The Landlord and Tenant Board is an adjudicative tribunal operating in the province of Ontario that provides dispute resolution of landlord and tenant matters under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006. It is one of the 13 adjudicative tribunals overseen by the Ministry of the Attorney General that make up Tribunals Ontario.
Landlords and tenants in Ontario must use certain forms in order to communicate with one another. Otherwise their application to the board might be dismissed. These forms are from N1 to N15.
Landlord Tenant Board is governed by the Rules of Procedures, Practice Direction and guidelines and Statutory Powers Procedure Act.

The Landlord and Tenant Board is an adjudicative tribunal operating in the province of Ontario that provides dispute resolution of landlord and tenant matters under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006. It is one of the 13 adjudicative tribunals overseen by the Ministry of the Attorney General that make up Tribunals Ontario.
Landlords and tenants in Ontario must use certain forms in order to communicate with one another. Otherwise their application to the board might be dismissed. These forms are from N1 to N15.
Landlord Tenant Board is governed by the Rules of Procedures, Practice Direction and guidelines and Statutory Powers Procedure Act.

There also regulations which provide details about how a part of the act is applied or interpreted.
If a landlord chooses to apply to the board seeking a resolution for a matter he/she will submit L1-L10.
If a tenant chooses to apply to the board for a decision, he/she will submit T1-T7