Notarial Services
We Notarize and Commission:
Affidavits/Statutory declarations/Power of Attorney/Wills/Letter of Invitation/Legal and Administrative forms and More
We provide our notarial services virtually ( In accordiance with Rule 431/20 regarding Remote Notary) by using Whatsapp and in person to notarize or commission your documents. However some services like Witnessing Signature and Certifying Copies require in person service.

You can download samples of documents you need them to be notarized and customize it based on your information. Please note that the documents available in this website are only samples and shall not be considered as legal advice.
Then submit your documents and call us to book an appointment for a WhatsApp video call or in person attendance. You can pay your fees by email transfer to:
Fee for Notarizing documents and certifying true copy is $20 for the first document, $15 for the second and $10 for the rest.
Certification of true copy shall be done in person.
We also provide translation services certified by notarized affidavit accepted by Immigration Refugee and Citizenship Canada, Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Ministry of Transportation, Schools and Colleges. At the moment Farsi/Persian translation is available. To submit your documents, you can use WhatsApp.
If you need an affidavit or a declaration which is not available, you can request 911 Notary Public to help you draft a document which fit your needs. Extra charge will apply for drafting affidavit or declaration.
To download Samples of Affidavits/Statutory Declarations and other legal and administrative forms click here. ( Forms in this website are samples only)
To draft your Power of Attorney click here. ( We do not draft Power of Attorney, however we notarize its Affidavit. We are not responsible for the external websites)
To draft your will click here. ( We do not draft Will, however we notarize its affidavit. We are not responsible for the external websites)
To draft your Seperation Agreement click here. (We do not draft Will, however we notarize its Affidavit of Execution. We are not responsible for the external websites)
To download all forms in regards to Rules of small claims court click here. A fully licensed paralegal can help you complete and file paper works at an extra cost. A fully licensed Notary public will notarize completed forms especially Affidavit of service (Form 8A)
To download all forms in regards to Family Law rules click here. We do not provide legal services regarding family law, however we notarize forms virtually and in person as required in accordiace with Family law rules especialy Affidavit of divorce (Form36), Joint or simple divorce and Affidavit of Service (Form 6B)
To download all forms in regards to rules of civil procedures click here.We do not provide legal services regarding Superior Court of Justice, however we notarize forms virtually and in person as required by law in accordiace with rules of civil procedures especialle Affidavit (Form4D) and Affidavit of Service (Form16B) and Backsheet (Form 4C)
We witness Signatures and Certify true copy of original documents
We also provide translation services certified by notarized affidavit accepted by Immigration Refugee and Citizenship Canada, Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Ministry of Transportation, Schools and Colleges. At the moment Farsi/Persian translation is available. To submit your documents, you can use WhatsApp.
911 Notary Public and translation services is licensed by Attorney General of the province of Ontario to practice as a Notary Public in accordance with Notaries act.
There is a fully licensed notary public in the office who is also a commissioner for taking Oath and Affidavit by virtue of his office.